Thursday 24 September 2015

Summary of Article: Pharmaceutical Disposal

In the article "Pharmaceutical Disposal" by Burch (2015), he discussed about the rising concern of water pollution in United States due to the improper ways of drug disposal. He also mentioned the act of "flushing unwanted or unused medications" as a factor due to common practice and absence of drug filtration in "wastewater treatment plants". Although the effect on humans are unclear, negative effect on "fish and aquatic life" have been proven. However, the severity of the issue is still uncertain due to the lack of regulation and/or policies in place. At the end, the author also presented a possible solution to be the prevention of "flushing drugs" by providing "access to safe and convenient pharmaceutical disposal options".

Burch, LW. (2015, March 4). Pharmaceutical Disposal. Retrieved from:

Edited on 2015, September 25.


  1. Hi Louise, your summary has all the points in accordance to the article. I can relate to the article based what you have just summarized. From your summary, I understand that pharmaceutical disposal has been a major problem in New York. Improper disposal of drugs can affect human and the environment. Even though effects on humans are unclear, negative effects has been proven on fish and aquatic life. There is a need to prevent this improper disposal by providing access to safe and convenient pharmacetical disposal options.

  2. - "New York, Connecticut and the nation" >> can be referred as United States
    - improper way of drug disposal >> improper ways
    -"due to it's common practice" >> due to a common practice
    -"However the severity" >> However, the severity (use a comma after however)
    -"At the end Burch (2015)" >> At the end, the author
