Wednesday 18 November 2015

“The Role of Peer and Tutor Feedback."

It has been about two months since we started SIE2016. Frankly speaking, at first I thought that it would be similar to the “Report Writing and Presentation” elective which I had to undertake in polytechnic a few years ago. However, it proved me wrong during the first few tutorial classes. Unlike the writing modules I have taken in the past, the current class incorporate the use of peer feedback. Although tutor feedback would serve as a more effective guidance, I feel that the usage of peer evaluate allowed us to receive a diverse opinions and suggestions. In addition, the system not only place us to be responsible for our own writing and self-assessment, but also the work of our peers. Furthermore, it allowed us to explore various writing styles as everyone express their words differently.

While the module had added on to our current workload, what I had presumed to be time-consuming had actually changed part of my writing habit. I used to only check my writing during the process of crafting my work, and submit it after just a quick look through of the final piece. The frequent writing and evaluation caused me to be more meticulous in my work now.

Besides improving our writing and critical thinking skills, I feel that peer feedback and group assignments also enhanced our social skills and the way we interact with others. Both factors not only consider our learning process, but also gives us more opportunities to work as a team instead.

Overall, the module allowed me to gain different skills set which I can incorporate in other modules and outside of academic. In fact, it has already been a help for the study journals and report assignments we currently have for this trimester’s modules. 


  1. Hi Louise, I agree with your post! The peer and tutor feedback has definitely benefited everyone in some way. I, too, now check my work and give more thoughts in writing better. It also promotes the SIT DNA - Grounded in the Community, where peers can learn more from each other. The skills we have gained from this module definitely improved in writing our reports.

  2. Hi Louise, the use of feedback system really helps us in a lot ways especially in improving our writing skills and presentation skills. It is interesting to see people commenting on the blogs and different types of feedback that you have received. It is also wise for us to give feedback to others so that we can learn from each others mistakes. And yes, basically this course is about teamwork where we all help each other succeed. Good elaboration on your part and I hope you will not stop writing.

  3. Thanks, Louise, for making this post and discussing the role of peer feedback. I'm glad that you feel that the skills learned in this process even fall into the realm of the social.

    I appreciate your effort throughout the term on the various assignments and on giving feedback!

    Best wishes for the rest of your learning journey!
